Shan Translation has compiled the information on this website with immense care and we put in every effort to ensure that the information provided in the website is accurate and to the best of our knowledge. However, there are times when there might be information on the website that is not fully correct. In such instances, we do not take any liability of the direct or indirect damage that arises due to the use of the information that has been provided in the website. We cannot be held responsible for possible errors in names, texts, or price information that has been mentioned in the website.

Public Views

We intend to offer good intentions to all our users. However, we are not responsible for any kind of damages either financial or something else due to the use of the information provided in the website or the inability to use it.

Website changes and Technical Failure

We have every right to bring about changes in the website view without prior information to the public. This means we can add, or delete content, images or any other relevant parts to the website. The discretion solely lies on us.

In case of technical failure or any kind of hacking or virus attack, the website might have to be shut down without any prior notice.